So what really happened?? I decided to tell a senior to 'just relax'.. What was I even thinking?? Did I even stop.. think.. and then react?? NO..
No matter that I was not wrong..
No matter that I was in the office the whole day.. Continuing into the next morning..
No matter that my brother had come to Delhi from Chennai just to spend time with me and he landed only yesterday..
No matter that I did'nt spend even an hour with him..
No matter that I got him to do the plumbing work that happened.. coincidentally(!) that very day...
No matter that I am still waiting for the only bite that I need..
No matter that I got yelled at for no reason....
It really doesn't matter.....
Because someone somewhere says... Great job Rupha.. Well done.. Good work.... A smile.. A look of appreciation.. admiration.. That says... You can bank on her....
And the day is made.....
Point is... I can't weidly enough.. look at myself and say that... After this... I can't.. I somehow seem to have lost that.. In simple asking someone to 'just relax'!!
Job satisfaction is a very weird term....
It makes you almost believe that you are satisfied with your work..... Almost.....