28 Nov 2005

Love thy Job

So I made the cover of the Metroving page of the New Media website Digantik ;)

I have to thank Mangala (for taking the pic and more importantly) highlighting the difficulties that journalists undergo in transport.

But don't get me wrong. I am in no way complaining because this is what I love to do. Grab a requisition, write it and get it signed by the instructor, grab the video cameras and the tripod, check if everything is in order, cue the tape, record a blank, pack it all and get out on the road, haggle with the ever-persevering auto drivers, reach destination, shoot the story and all the while white-balance each shot (thanks Amanda :)), catch a rick, work on the script while your on the way, write out the link and the headline, get out at college, sign out the camera (or face the wrath of Solanki sir), get into an edit room (if there is one that's free), digitise the tape and start editing...

I love it all. Who am I kidding! It does get tiring. But that is all part of the 'package'

P.S - the editing procedure would probably take up another post ;)

1 comment:

  1. hi,
    see how your blog that was born the other day has morphed into a rivetting, enjoyable blog.
    keep it up, maam.
    i will watch it progressing.
