3 Feb 2006

not today.
the thoughts again
the serious tumult of things
blacking out the vision of my wants
seamlessly flowing, like
a rippling rage.
that word again
striking out, echoing.
three stumps in lush green fields.
me sitting in the stands
against the winds
i pull the cap
down on my forehead
closing my eyes to the sun... and the sun
i can't think anymore
pause. stop. halt.

1:43pm and counting.


  1. Anonymous3:05 pm

    closing my eyes to the sun... and the sun
    i can't think anymore
    pause. stop. halt.
    time to sleep and give your mind and body some rest before the letter on the monitor starts to look blurrrrreeeeedddddd

  2. it's not so simple ranga.. more than just that... but do keep visitin and readin..

  3. Roof,
    Ranga is right.Please get sleep when you can.

    And as for me, I think that after those seeming YEARS in the COLD studio,some sun is definitely good for all of us.

    Please go to amma when you can,di.

  4. sun... amma... doesn't go raag ;).. mayb thatha... but i get the drift... :)

  5. sun... amma... doesn't go raag ;).. mayb thatha... but i get the drift... :)

  6. Anonymous5:22 pm

    zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...is the remedy!!

    with or without....

  7. hmm... thank u anonymous... keep visiting... but honestly... it's not only abt zzzzzzzzzzzzz guys...

  8. Anonymous9:17 pm

    ok... now you are wide awake...good

  9. hey!!!! nice man... very nice... i like the abrupt short clauses u use... it's the way i think when there are too many thots in my head and also when i'm overwhelmed with info... sounds like us rite now... but this is just me... i also like the juxtaposition of the sun ... and the thots freezing... lovely... icy HOT!!! very nice roops... didn't know that u write so much poetry n r good at it too... HUGS n Love.

  10. Dont you wish that you have Insomnia?! ;-)
