30 Mar 2007

From the C to the D

Walking in the rain
Picking flowers in the morning
Screaming down the road on a bullet
Steel Helmet
Sitting on freshly cut grass
Eating samosas and sipping lime juice
Padded up to play some cricket
Fete and festivals
Chats and chaats in our corner
The magic show and the star
The knives and the black T-shirt
The mime and the mystery
Coming in.. You sleeping... Going out.. You still sleeping
Spicy dosas in the middle of the night
Some parties and some music... some...
Mahabs and more....
Straight out and not quite
The empty halls
Sister Hilda... Ha ha ha ha ha
From C to D........
It's been long...... Yes.... long.....


  1. Moving on, eh, my sweets? :-)


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